Our mission is to promote public and political awareness, research, policies and care focused on hormone and metabolic health and disease, thereby ensuring optimal quality of life.
The overarching aim for the European Hormone and Metabolism Foundation (ESE Foundation) is for the public benefit, and people with endocrine disorders are at the core of the ESE Foundation's objectives.

The overarching aim of the European Hormone and Metabolism Foundation - Foundation of the European Society of Endocrinology (ESE Foundation) is for public benefit.
Board of Directors
The Board of Directors is made up of the Immediate Past ESE President, the Past-Past ESE President, the current ESE President, the Treasurer of ESE, a representative from the ESE Council of Affiliated Societies (ECAS) (ex-officio), ESE’s Chief Executive Officer (ex-officio) and ESE’s Director of Strategic Partnerships (ex-officio). Their term of office will be in line with their term of office of the Founder (ESE). In addition, the Board may co-opt up to two individuals for a maximum period of two years to support specific initiatives where necessary.
The current ESE Foundation Board members are:
- Immediate Past ESE President and Chair of the ESE Foundation Board of Directors: Martin Reincke, Germany (2023-2025)
- Past-Past ESE President: Andrea Giustina, Italy, 2021-2023
- Current ESE President: Jérôme Bertherat, France, 2023-2025
- Treasurer of ESE: Sebastian Neggers, Netherlands, 2024-2027
- ESE Council of Affiliated Societies (ECAS) representative (ex-officio): Anton Luger, Austria, 2020-November 2024 and then Charlotte Höybye, Sweden from November 2024-2028.
- Chief Executive Officer of ESE, ESE Foundation Executive Director, and Secretary of the ESE Foundation Board of Directors (ex-officio): Helen Gregson, UK
- Director of Strategic Partnerships of ESE (ex-officio): Dirk De Rijdt, Belgium
Relationship to the European Society of Endocrinology
The ESE Foundation is a separate legal entity to the European Society of Endocrinology (ESE) and is registered in Brussels as a private foundation (Enterprise number is 0753.997.925), with ESE as the Founder. The financial accounts will be separate from ESE’s and, although the ESE Foundation has its own decision-making powers, it aligns with ESE’s overall strategy.