The aim of the ESE Foundation is to advocate to the European Institutions for the important place of hormones in European Health Policies.
The central role of hormones and metabolism in health needs to be recognised in the policies that institutions and policymakers around the world develop and implement to improve the general health of their populations. The ESE Foundation is fully committed to support the European and National Institutions in charge of this, to the benefit of all European citizens.
The ESE Foundation refers to the White Paper ‘Hormones in European Health Policies – how endocrinologists contribute to a healthier Europe’. This White Paper, published by the European Society of Endocrinology, has a strong focus around four policy themes: obesity, cancer, rare diseases and environmental factors impacting on health.
The ESE Foundation, the European Society of Endocrinology and many affiliated national endocrine societies are partnering in policy and advocacy efforts. Organisations with like-minded objectives are welcome to contact us at Policy and Advocacy.